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Thank you for your interest in our film. If you have a general question about Susan Sontag, please use the resources listed on this website to find answers. Please keep in mind that we are focused on distributing the film, and depending on your query, it may take us time to respond.
If you knew Susan Sontag or would like to partner with us, please email us at:
EDUCATIONAL DVD: If you would like to order the Educational DVD, please contact Amy Aquilino at Women Make Movies:
HOME MOVIE DVD: If you would like to order the Home Movie DVD, please send your full name and email address to: Or you may purchase via PayPal directly to the email address $30 USD, $44 International.
STREAMING: The film is also available to stream on HBO GO through 2016.
Regarding Susan Sontag
2600 10th Street #624
Berkeley, CA 94710
Tel. 510-540-7177