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Archives for July 2014

“Whoever invented marriage was an ingenious tormentor. It is an institution committed to the dulling of the feelings. The whole point of marriage is repetition. The best it aims for is the creation of strong, mutual dependencies.” – Reborn: Journals and Notebooks, 1947-1963


DOKU.ARTS – International Festival of Films on Art: Opening Night Film September 10th, 2014 with an additional screening September 14th, 2014.

“Being photographed… I feel transfixed, trapped… I become the looked-at… For as much as I am a professional seer, I am a hopelessly amateur see-ee. An eternal photographic virgin. I feel the same perplexity each time I’m photographed.” – “Certain Mapplethorpes,” from Where the Stress Falls, 2001

“We want to leave the language in perhaps slightly better shape because of our passage through it, in all our books, rather than in worse shape.” -Interview with Nadine Gordimer 1984

We want to leave the language in perhaps slightly better shape because of our passage through it, in all our books, rather than in worse shape. -Interview with Nadine Gordimer 1984

“It is difficult for the citizens of America, having never seen their country devastated by war to really understand and appreciate the full horrors of war and the absolute necessity for bending all our efforts to preventing another and even more disastrous conflict. Surely the problem that concerns all of us most greatly is the…

Quote of the Week: “It is difficult for the citizens of America, having never seen their country devastated by war to really understand and appreciate the full horrors of war and the absolute necessity for bending all our efforts to preventing another and even more disastrous conflict. Surely the problem that concerns all of us…

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